This weekend we were able to take a short trip to the mountains. We found a pet-friendly hotel with great ratings, so we were able to take Newton along for the trip. Emory was at the end of recovering from a cold but I was in the middle of nastiness. It didn't make for the most enjoyable vacation.. but if nothing else, it was nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday and enjoy time with my family and seeing beautiful scenery. (oh and eating waffles)
Best way to start a mountain getaway. Waffles (and pancakes). Emory loved it!
We spent a lot of our time driving around to see the beautiful mountain sights.
he sure does have fun with his Daddy. And it makes my heart so happy.
We bought one of those magic sticks.. not the pink one though. Emory LOVES it.
Emory cozy in his fox pjs in honor of his newest friend's (Nolan) birth-day.