Happy 5 months to Emory! (plus 15 days... because I'm a bit of a slacker this month)
Emory -
I can't believe how fast you are growing up. Every day you seem to be just a little bit bigger and doing just a little bit more. You roll over onto your tummy like a pro these days and usually end up on your hands and knees like you are just one move away from crawling towards me. Your coos and giggles are turning into even more beautiful (and sometimes crazy) sounds and recently you are all about sticking your tongue out and blowing spit bubbles. Sometimes you give us hysterical cackles. We love them!
You are so close to sitting up and I'm really excited about that! You don't really love laying on your back too much anymore. You want to see the world around you and not just the ceiling. Right now you can sorta sit up by sitting on your bottom but then you're bent all the way over. I'm not quite sure that's considered sitting up... but it's still cute and fun.
You're eating baby food about once a day now (when I remember...) So far you've had zucchini squash, regular squash, and sweet potatoes (most made by momma!) You are really enjoying it now, even though you weren't quite so sure at first. Now you get upset if I take too long in between bites!
You're also slightly obsessed with your toes. You grab them all the time and stick your toes in your mouth! Guess we need to make sure we keep those little feet extra clean.
You make us laugh and smile and we are truly blessed to have you.
Love love.
Oh and Emory got this adorable shirt from a friend... So cute!
And here's Emory sleeping while floating... he's pretty talented.