Here are a few pictures of the work in progress:
Let the holidays begin!!
a little snapshot of us embracing and loving life
Well… it’s been awhile since I last posted and with good reason. I am currently trying (not sure how well it is going) to conqueror my worst nightmare.. the CPA exam. This thing has been looming over me for way too long and it’s about time I get it knocked out!! I only wish there were more hours in the day and that I could function on 3 hours of sleep or none at all. However, that doesn’t seem to be how my life operates. It seems that I am sleepier than usual which makes studying so much more of a challenge. I have refused to do any cooking for the past 2 weeks so Aaron and I have been living off leftovers, take out, pizza, etc… all the good stuff. One of these days I’ll get back into running and cooking but for now it’s just bad-for-me food, lots of studying, lots of caffeine, and no exercise.
This week I have been lucky to be able to work in Franklin. I am always willing to have a client out here. I love being near my aunt and my wonderful husband. I always wanted to be able to go to lunch with Aaron and this week would have been perfect except… now we have a puppy. Aaron goes home on his lunch break to check on Newton and grab a quick snack so we aren’t able to go out to eat. I was able to go home on Tuesday with him, so that was nice. Today I was able to have lunch with my aunt at Steak ‘N Shake!! I always enjoy being able to spend time with her even if it’s only for a short while.
However, lunch is also where reality started to sink in. I started thinking about the test and how important it is for me to pass because if I don’t then I could lose my FAR credit.. which would be horrible.. and then I could lose my BEC credit.. which is also horrible. My brain was in overdrive and I was sent into a sudden panic. I became a bit jittery and it was so difficult for me to focus on anything else. I just wanted to whip out my note cards and start studying at work. Hopefully tonight I will be able to crank out some good studying and calm myself down a little bit. It just seems that no matter how much I study for this test, I’m never going to understand it enough to pass. I guess we’ll see….
Anyways, here’s to a hopefully productive weekend of studying…
On a good note, once this exam is done on Tuesday I will be able to enjoy my holidays worry free. Aaron and I are spending Thanksgiving in Memphis with the fams (however, it is specifically the Howell’s year) and will be traveling to Florence, AL on T-day. I am so excited about our double-date night with Andrew and Krystle, spending time with Maggie who I miss soooo much it makes me want to cry, spending time with our wonderful families, making crafts, sleeping in, and of course eating lots of great food.
So here I go...