This year I celebrated the big
2-3. Whoo hoo.

I had such a great time during my whole "birthday week". On the Friday before my birthday we had family dinner at one of my new all-time favorite restaurants, Shogun. It wasn't officially a birthday celebration.. but I did get yummy cake and some drum beating and singing.. so I guess that counts. Oh yeah, and I also got a snap shot from a Polaroid camera. :) On Saturday the Mehaffeys took Aaron and I to experience the Loveless Cafe for the first time. It was quite an tasty experience. I really enjoyed the home cooking, especially the mac n' cheese and the yummy peanut butter pie. Then on my birthday Aaron and I went to good 'ole Chili's. I can never get enough of that place. I really do love the chips and salsa and the cajun chicken pasta. I even convinced Aaron to not split the meal that time so that I could have leftovers for work the next day! :) Last, but not least, the following weekend Maggie came to town so we got to celebrate as well. Maggie, Rachel, Mindy, and I (and Maggie's sister and some friends) went and watched Bride Wars. It may be my new all-time favorite chick flick. It was so hilarious.. and I even teared up some as well. I highly recommed it for all you chick flick lovers out there.
And for the highlight of it all.... my birthday

present from my WONDERFUL husband. *** the NIKON D60*** I
finally got my SLR!! I am so excited about it. I can't wait to figure it all out and go take tons of pictures of fun places and things and of course the upcoming nephew. It's going to be so much fun to play with. I'm planning on going to the classes that Wolf Camera offers in order to understand it a little bit better. I'm ready for it to be warm outside again so I can go take some scenic pictures!!

Family dinner at Shogun, yummy!

Friend dinner at Loveless Cafe, another yummy!

Friend time at the Mehaffey's. Enjoying some yummy birthday cake and a warm fire.

Birthday celebrations at our place. Ice cream cake from Maggie Moo's, yet another yummy!

Bride Wars on Friday Night and Saturday lunch at Cheesecake Factory!