Tonight I got to spend some much needed time with my very dear friend, Laura. We both attended Harding together and did the whole accounting thing (we're crazy) and she was a bridesmaid in my wedding. After school Laura moved to North Carolina so I haven't seen her too much. Luckily she has quite a bit of family in Nashville and was able to score an audit here so there are random times that she is in town. She's been in Nashville for almost 3 whole weeks and we are just now getting together! Stupid busy season. (poor girl has been working till 9 or later every night).
Anyways, we met up for late night dessert at the local McDonalds. We grabbed a corner booth and chatted the night away. I still haven't figured out why we talked about work soo much... don't we have better things to talk about? Gosh I miss her.

Yea! I'm so glad you finally got to meet up! That was long overdue. And at McDonald's, no less. Very perfect. Isn't it sad how work takes over your grown-up life? Boo...
Old Friends are great!
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