Sunday, November 3, 2013

Trunk n Treat

Last weekend our church hosted a Trunk n Treat and we were extra excited to attend for the first time with a little one.

King Kong and his buildings

For Emory's first Halloween, we really wanted to do costumes themed for the entire family.  We think it turned out great and we had lots of fun.. even if it was a little difficult to walk in the box sometimes. 

Trick or treat = candy for momma


There were so many creative costumes and decorated trunks!

yep, that's Don McLaughlin..


my little monkey

Hanging out with our friends Jenny and Kathryn

Hitching a ride with Caroline

Sweet Caroline

Rachel, the polo player, and Belle

Adorable friends

Guys with their kiddos


And so begins our attempt at some group kids photos... hilarious.

Emory and Noah, buddies

Please note sneaky doggy (Avery) in the background.. hahaha

this pretty much sums it up.

and then Emory became very fascinated with Kathryn and her costume



1 comment:

Sarah said...

Oh. My. Word. The photo with the Avery photobomb...I am laughing so hard!

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