1 hour 58 minutes. That's how long it took for me to get home from work last night. I was working at a client in Hermitage... a little further than I usually go.. but not much further and I would be traveling home against traffic. As soon as I hopped onto the interstat
e I got confused. Confused as to why there was so much traffic heading into the city at 5pm.. hmmmm. Then is started raining. really hard. After about an hour I had moved about 3 miles... and that's when we hit a stand still. No one was moving. I saw no brake lights, everyone had put their car in park. I dozed off for a little while, waking to see some guys on the side of the road playing football, a lady walking her dog, and a family taking a little stroll. All on the interstate. After about 35 minutes of sitting still.. we finally started moving again. It was a long night. (The hold up was due to a tractor trailer hauling cargo not clearing an overpass) I hope it doesn't take as long to get home tonight.. the cargo has yet to be cleared.

Oh my dear goodness. That is ridiculous. Whoa.
Maybe I-24 isn't that bad, afterall? :)
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