Some time between the Liberty Bell and the Cleopatra exhibit on my Philly trip.. my lovely sunglasses broke in two. It was a pretty devastating experience. They were beautiful and had such a short life. I remember when I purchased them... May 4, 2010. I remember this because the first time I wore them in public was with friends for Cinco De Mayo on the patio at Uncle Julios... I was a bit hesitant to see if I could pull off the trendy "semi-big" sunglasses. After some encouragement from my friends, I whipped them out and I've been wearing them ever since... well until 2 weekends ago. Ever since I've made it home, the 2 broken pieces have laid sadly at the bottom of my suitcase.. (mainly because I'm a bit too lazy to unpack).
Oh how I loved those sunglasses.... They really got me through the summer! They've been to 5 different countries (cruise...), 9 states, Disney World, various beaches, family reunions, multiple weddings, etc... It was a good summer...

One of the last pictures:
Of course, I couldn't just wander around a bright and shiny city without sunglasses for the rest of my trip, so I stopped in to CVS.. and well here's the new pair:
They'll do... ;)

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