This year was mine and Aaron's first Christmas as a married couple! :) I really enjoyed being able to spend this time together. Last year we got a tree after Christmas (on sale) so we got to put up our

very own tree this year. Newton especially loved when we were decorating the tree because he loved chewing on the ornaments. Since Aaron and I were going to be in Memphis on Christmas day celebrating with our families we decided that Christmas eve would be our very own Christmas day. The night before we had pizza and cookies while we curled up on the couch to watch a Christmas movie. (and The Office) I wasn't really in the mood for a classic, so we rented Fred Claus instead. Unfortunately,

I was a bit sleepy.. so I didn't make it through tons of the movie.. go figure. On Christmas morning we got up and made cinnamon rolls (the cream cheese icing ones... yummy!) then opened all our wonderful gifts. Aaron and I think too much alike and both got each other Wii points. I used mine to download Sonic the Hedgehog 2! - from my Sega days. I also got some nice gloves, candy, some digital scrapbooking software (which I am soo excited about, but it hasn't come in yet) and an ipod docking station/cd player (which I get to pick out sometime.. Aaron wasn't sure which size I wanted). Aaron got some nice clothes, some new Wii games, a new Wii controller and some nice random stocking stuffers, like dress socks and gum :) All in all we had a wonderful "Christmas" morning together. Afterwards we just hung out watching tv and playing games on the Wii. You can't beat that kind of morning...

Aaron putting up our Christmas tree

Newton chewing on the ornaments.

Our festive table.

Newton's 1st Christmas!

Photo op in front of our tree before heading to Memphis.
Complete Our 1st Married Christmas album